curie points中文什么意思

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【物理学】居里点[亦称作 curie temperature]
  • curie:    n. 1.居里〔姓氏〕。 2.Mar ...
  • at points:    在点
  • points:    波因茨; 点。一般一个月结算一次成现 ...
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  1. furthermore, a new method to measure the concentration of ferromagnetic alloys was exhibited, and its reliability was also confirmed, which is to measure the curie point of specimens by the dsc analysis and then compare the data with ones of standard specimens so that to observe the concentration of specimens
  2. the former was related to mn doping, both of p-carries supplied by la3 + or oxygen hole and n-carries induced by changing mn4 + into mn3 + can be locally displaced and simultaneously response with external electric field ., furthermore due to the overlaps between positive and negative carries . the latter was due to the phase transformation between orthorhombic and cubic, which was in fact the curie point


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